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Release Date March 8th, 2012


Saving Face is a 2011 documentary short film shot in Pakistan about acid attacks on women. The film is directed by American director Daniel Junge and Pakistani director Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy and follows London-based Pakistani plastic surgeon Dr. Mohammad Jawad as he returns to his home country to help victims of acid violence.

Plot Outline

The film also features two women attacked by acid and their struggle for justice and healing. It is the first film shot in Pakistan and directed by a Pakistani to win an Oscar. Acid Survivors Foundation of Pakistan, which is featured in the film, had documented over 100 acid attacks a year in Pakistan but estimates far more due to lack of reporting. The majority of victims are women. Saving Face will air on HBO on March 8th.


Won Academy Award for 2012 Best Documentary Short

Directed By

Daniel Junge and Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy

Produced By

Daniel Junge, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, Davis Coombe, Alison Greenberg

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